FBI Director Jay Loover

Real Name: Jay Elmer Loover

First Appearance: Boy Comics #4

A career FBI agent, Jay Loover made his name within the organization during the prohibition era, helping crack down on crime during the roaring 20’s. His keen understanding of the human spirit and his dedication to justice and fairness for all helped him rise quickly within the FBI, and by the time he was 40, he had become the local FBI director in charge of New York City and the surrounding areas.

Loover at work.

During World War II, Loover worked closely with other federal authorities to ensure the safety of the city against enemy saboteurs. As part of this effort, he became close friends with Bill Chandler, a former ambassador to war torn France. Bill and his wife Joan were at the forefront of the war efforts, making speeches and running aid missions.

Following the war, Bill and Joan continued their activism in support of the conquered nations of Europe lost behind the Iron Curtain. This drew the attention of anti-American forces, and the enemy agent known as Iron Jaw assassinated the couple.

After their deaths, Loover swore to watch over their son, Chuck Chandler. Loover acted as a mentor to Chuck, granting him special status as an unofficial FBI assistant. Loover, who considers himself a second father to Chuck, hopes one day that Chuck will take his place as the city’s FBI director. Towards that end, he sponsored Chuck’s application to Curtiss Tech to help Chuck get the degree he needs in order to become an FBI agent.

Over the past summer, Loover emplyed Chuck as an intern, giving him some experience with the less glamorous, administrative side of things. With Chuck now back at school for his junior year, Loover also takes care of Chuck’s pet monkey — and partner in crimefighting — Squeeks.

Loover surprises Crimebuster with the gift of pants in Boy Comics #60.